Ayahuasca Awajún 

El Toe (in awajún language Datem )

Toe  (planta de acceso al mundo de los dioses, de la ciencia del bien y el mal, del universo magico del bosque amazonico)

Toe together with Chacruna = Ayahuasca

Awajun people are drinking the liane ayhuasca in order to purge and clean their organism and aswell to obtain the vision. With a psychedelic plant they are able to acces to expanded states of consciousness. And see the past, present and future. 

Mainly they are drinking to obtain the clarity in their life, to obtain life vision (adulthood rituals) and to purge and clean the organism. 

Ayahuasca awajun strongly connect with the spirit of mother nature – feeling of being safe on the earth. And connect as well with a masculine principle: a strong sens of self, confidence and identity. 

Traditions : Ayahuasca together with a spirit of Ajutap – Spirit of Warrior 

Awajun people (with others in Jibaro linguistic group – like Wampis, Shuar,..) thanks to their combative roots believe that well being of a men depends on the aquisition of powerful visions and power acquired through drinking the ayahuasca brew. The vision comes through a spirit called Ajutap. In the cosmovision – this spirtit pronounced to the young men to be strong, direct, ruthless, invincible warrior destined to ravage enemies and sorcerers closer to home. A man in possession of this kind of vision was transformed almost beyond the recognition. His thinking and speech became clear, direct, understandable  and he acted with unshakable confidence. He became a leader. 

Women sought sometimes ass well similar visions. But instead of receiving the power to kill, they saw the future marked by healthy children, fertile gardens and frothy pots of manioc beer.